How we work

How we work

At Restore Home Modifications, our mission is to create comfortable spaces that support people with disability and older people to live optimally, safely and independently in their homes.

Every home modification project our NDIS approved builders in Melbourne undertake has four stages. Every stage signifies progress towards the completion of your home modification. At Restore, we expertly manage your journey with us to deliver the best redesign, adaptation or renovation for your needs.

Stage 1: funding approved

The first step is to obtain pre-approval of NDIS or HCP funding for your home modification project.

 After your support team and OT have assessed your home and physical needs, they are encouraged to send Restore the details of your OT assessment and required building works.

  • From this information, our NDIS approved builders will promptly prepare an initial cost estimate to support your funding application to NDIS or HCP.
  • Restore OT consultants and building professionals are available to discuss any project particulars and answer any questions you may have.
  • We will work with your OT and care representatives to streamline the funding application process and increase your chance of success.

For private self-funded clients seeking home modifications in Melbourne, please contact us directly to arrange a building consultation with our home modification professionals.

Stage 2: site inspection

Next, we’ll visit you at home to understand how the proposed modifications will function for your needs.

When you’ve received pre-approval for NDIS or HCP funding, we will book a site visit* to evaluate the proposed project and meet with your OT. We welcome you to include key people in this meeting who are involved in your life and care. We value your OT’s input to unlock the best of what’s possible from your available funding. Our NDIS registered builders are also available to support your OT with your funding application and can help develop the most appropriate scope of works.

Site Inspection

During this consultation, we’ll review your proposed home modifications as well as:

  • evaluate the site for any structural, legal and regulatory constraints
  • consider universal design strategies and functional alternatives
  • propose NDIS-approved options for materials, fittings and fixtures
  • assess NDIS and HCP exclusion and inclusion criteria to get building quotes approved

Project Scope of Works Contract

After the site inspection we will prepare a comprehensive ‘scope of works’ contract in accordance with your OT assessment recommendations. This contract will include details of the building plan, project stages, itemised services and fixtures to be provided.

Fixed Quote

We will also provide a fixed GST-inclusive quote for the whole project, competitively priced according to the industry standard. For larger projects, we will outline a tentative billing schedule to ensure we cover materials and trade professionals for each stage of the building project.

Your support coordinator, case manager or care representative will submit the project scope and final quote to NDIS or HCP for approval.

* The site inspection and quote fee are 100% redeemable on project works with Restore.

Stage 3: commencing home modification works

We perform your approved home modification and building construction works to completion – with integrity and care.

Upon official NDIS or HCP funding approval, you or your representative will review and sign our building works contract and billing schedule. This contract has a five-day cooling-off period.

After that, a project manager will be appointed to your building project, and the first invoice will be issued to NDIS or HCP for payment.

Your project manager will contact you or your representative to coordinate the building modification works with our authorised tradespeople.

All works undertaken are tracked and verified. Relevant certificates of compliance (e.g., plumbing compliance, electrical safety, waterproofing etc) and certificates of completion are obtained, submitted to authorities and held to supply as part of the project’s Completion Report.

Stage 4: home modification completion feedback

Lastly, we’ll conduct a final inspection, supply your home modifications report and request your feedback.

When your home modification works are finished, your building project manager will conduct a final inspection to ensure the contract is delivered in full and that everything is up to standard. If there are any outstanding issues, we will take steps to remedy the situation.

You and your representatives will receive a Completion Report for your home building modification works including compliance certificates and complimentary ‘before and after’ photos.

You and your representatives will be invited to complete our client satisfaction survey. Your feedback will help us continue to deliver the best customer experience possible.