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Home modifications can have a big impact on your mobility and independence. It’s crucial that your home is fitted with appropriate modifications for your specific needs. That’s why our NDIS-registered builders in Melbourne have put together this blog to keep you informed about the latest news in the accessibility world as well as answer common questions about NDIS home modifications.

Want to learn more? Read our FAQs, or click here to get in touch with our team directly for answers to your home modification questions.

  • All
  • Automation
  • Bathrooms
  • Bedrooms
  • Kitchens
  • Landscaping And Outdoors
  • NDIS News
  • Project Management, Planning & Funding Support
  • Ramps And Entryways

NDIS Automatic Doors

Doors are one of the biggest barriers both in and outside the home. Thankfully, NDIS automatic door openers can (literally) open up a whole world of new opportunities

Home modifications outside the house: making the outside more accessible for people with disability

It isn’t just indoor modifications that play a big role in improving accessibility – outdoor modifications are an equally important part of NDIS home modifications.

Accessible bathrooms: shower modifications for people living with disability

The shower is a crucial part of any accessible bathroom. Read about some of the most common types of NDIS shower modifications, and how they make showering safer and easier

Five things to consider when designing disability-friendly kitchens

As with any home modification project, making your kitchen accessible can be complicated. Luckily, our NDIS builders in Victoria are here with 5 must-know tips

Creating a robust home: home modifications for NDIS participants with behaviours of concern

Robust housing is an SDA housing subcategory designed and funded for people with very high support needs, including people living with behaviours of concern.

Five ways disability home automation is reshaping the lives of people living with disability

New smart home technology is making home automation easier than ever before, allowing more people with disability to continue living safely and independently.

NCC changes 2023: a glimpse into the future of home accessibility in Victoria

In 2024, Victoria will introduce new building codes that include a range of new accessibility requirements. We explain the implications and discuss what this means for the future of accessibility

Four accessible bathroom modifications that could help transform your life

An accessible bathroom is crucial when building or modifying homes for people with disability. We explain 4 common bathroom modifications, as well as how they can change lives

Four amazing ways NDIS home modifications can change people’s lives for the better

Often, a lack of accessibility in housing takes a significant toll not just on mental health and physical safety, but overall quality of life. The right NDIS home modifications however can make a big difference.

NDIS home modifications aren’t one size fits all: ask half a million Australians

NDIS home modifications are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every disability, situation and person are unique. Learn about some of the home modification services Restore Home Modifications offers.